How can prospective employers verify my job history?
I'm looking at my resume, and I have a few 3 month temporary job sore spots that I'de rather not have to go through explaining, ever. I've done a good job myself forgetting about them, but they turn up of course when going for a new, "real" job.
Ethical/moral issues aside, I really just want to not put some jobs on my resume, and instead show that I was unemployed (acceptable being a college student) during those periods.
I know about choicepoint, and I got my free report from them (allowed once per year under some 2003 act) and it only mentions one of my 5 jobs that I've had. Is this the only place the big companies go to look? Or do they go to the IRS for info (I would expect that to be private) or some other way of checking up on my job history.