Originally Posted by Lasereth
You're gonna get your names and your guild named changed for violating a copyright. Hate to be a bastard but Blizzard is really adamant about being creative with character and guild names. And read my above post about small group PVP and the Honor System. Don't go to those raids! They're worthless. Find a small group and you'll have more fun and get more points with no lag.
As far as I can tell, any name you choose is safe to use UNLESS Blizzard is directly informed by someone you are using it (via the in-game report tool). My friend was using Chewbacca and it was fine until someone reported him. He changed it to Chewiee
My mage is Marajade, also a Star Wars reference, but I have had no issues using it...yet.
And thanks for the group PvP tip Las, it was a lot more fun and rewarding!