Originally Posted by trache
I don't know about that one, myself. Sometimes I think if I say that to my girlfriend, I think to myself that I'm treating her like a whore if I say "thankyou". What, like it's a service she's rendering in exchange for something else?
I think that if she and I are going to be having some fun, that we should be enthusiastic about getting to perform the act on the other and not look at it as a job (with the manners), but as fun-to-do.
But then again sometimes I don't and I actually do thank her (sincerely).
How weird.
I have been told that sometimes I am a little mannerly in my manner. Indeed, I will even play it up because hey, why not. I haven't yet told a lady that I dug the way she chows down, or how the way the spit ran down her throat was way cool, or even that I was amazed at how she could belch and groan while still doing the deep throatfuck slobber thing. I stick with thankyou. And ummm um. And a cuddle, of course.