Look up a couple definitions of fanatic. A recurring theme are the phrases "uncritical devotion" and "irrational enthusiasm".
Also, I don't think I've met an atheist yet that took a hardline against a fuzzy feel-good generic theism. Once you get into specific imprementations of the deity concept, though, all bets are off. There's a bit of a difference between claiming that gods cannot exist and the pointing out that a specific deity doesn't.
Since most theists are pretty fanatical about none of the other deities existing, they often have the mistaken impression that a well reasoned (if passionate) discourse about why their particular deity is impossible can be generalized to apply to gods in general. Contrariwise, a fanatical theist will make the mistaken assumption that a well-reasoned (if philosphical) discourse about the existances of gods not being provable (I.E. a god could exist) somehow serves as an endorsement for the existance of their particular deity.
In short, I think you're confusing a fanatical anti-christian who happens to be an atheist with a fanatical atheist.
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