Originally Posted by tspikes51
You win. All I was trying to say is that we all believe in something, and that any ethos has the chance for fanatacism.
Nobody can argue with that.
It seems like the tone of most on the TFP is that "my dick is bigger than yours because I'm atheist." Notice I said most and not all. It is just some imaginary pissing contest that no one side will ever win.
Haven't really seen that...
If you can be offended by somebody praying in public, then somebody should be allowed to be offended by you telling them there is no god.
I agree. You shouldn't be offended by somebody praying unless he's forcing
you to pray as well.
The chance of there being a god is exactly equal to the chance of there not being a god.
Erm... based on what probabilities exactly?
Anybody debating this is a stupid asshole.
Debating what? The existance of a god? A lot of people are assholes then. Or did you mean the probability of a god existing?