Originally Posted by dylanmarsh
Although the Sox will suck ass, it will be fun to watch Rowand and Podsednik steal over 100 bases this season. Of course, they'll also get caught in the realm of 50 times, thus enabling the Sox to lose an extra 20-25 games this season.
Last year Podsednik stole 70 and was caught 13 times, for a percentage of 84% success, which is about 11% better than the break-even point. That leads to MORE runs scored. Rowand was at 77%, which is ~4% better than break even. Uribe, however, needs to not run (45%). Harris was around 73% so he could steal 1 or 100 and it wouldnt make much difference unless its two outs in the bottom of the ninth and the sox are down one and hes caught stealing to end the game. Yeah, I'm gonna kill him for that stunt the other day.
Originally Posted by guy44
Chicago White Sox:
It’s like the White Sox have some tragic case of keeping up with the Jones’, where they see that other teams have nice things so they start to acquire name brand objects as some sort of reflex. At retail price. At least some rolls of the dice will pan out (Iguchi, or maybe one of Los Dos Aging Cubanos), but Podsenik really, really won’t. To be fair, I have to give Kenny Boy props for getting A.J. “Peaches” Pierzynsky. I just don’t see how a dramatically overpaid Garcia, Mark “isn’t that Jim Kaat?” Buehrle, and a good bullpen will be enough to overcome the lack of offense. The lineup will consist of four men who I’m fairly confident will do well in Pierzynsky, Thomas, Konerko, and Rowand; four I’m unsure of in Willis, Iguchi, Uribe, and Dye; and I know Borchard, Crede, and Podsednik will fail like an Anna Nicole Smith drug test. (Too obvious?) Four good starting hitters and two good starting pitchers…well, if you think a winning team they make, I’ve got a penis enlarging cream I know you’d just love.
Before the Sox collapse, I would like to just get in a nice *cough* here, while they're the best in the bigs.