wasn't this on [I]Tilted Nonsense[/I}?
i've met Walter Peyton: I did a comercial with him for the MDA. (long ago, i've got nothing good to say about MDA)
I had Lamont from Sanford and Son come visit me once when I had pneumonia. he's a preacher now and a nice guy.
I've also met POD in 97 and 99. they are awesome people. in 97 they were playing off of their "B.R.O.W.N." lp.. it was GOOD. too bad their mainstreeme music kinda sucks. but as people, the guys from POD are wonderful. i talked to Sonny (lead singer) a long time and Marcos (the slightly over-weight guitarest) and was amazed at how laid back and nice they were. I also met Tray (the bassist) but he's very, very shy and Wuv (drummer) was nice too, but busy.
they even asked me to go out and eat with them. and they answered my emails personally.
they are also 'real Christians' like myself. theytry to live by Christ's actions, not dogmatic views.
ok... it seems like i've met someone else but i forget who...