Originally Posted by Manx
As for your Alaska-needs-jobs explanation: I don't care. Don't have a job in Alaska? Move to another state and get a job. I live in Boulder, Colorado and although there are many things I disapprove of that the City does, one of those things is not their Open Space initiatives, which significantly limit new construction and new zoning. This excellent plan reduces over-population and maintains near-pristine wilderness. If I don't like it, I can move to Denver.
You get more interesting all the time. In the past, you've said, "Whites face discrimination? I don't care."
"The rich are being shafted? I don't care."
Now you don't care about Alaskans.
However, I'm sure you'd have a hissy fit if a Republican "didn't care" about the homeless, or gay midgets, or whatever cause you're espousing these days.
What, someone is homeless in California? Why don't they just move to Arkansas?
The only thing I can't figure out is whether or not you
know your stance is hypocritical.