I'd like to thank everyone for their replies. I'm currently feeling ok with everything, whether I do it or not. My best guess after hearing your opinions is that sometimes I think too much about it, which is what causes all those problematic thoughts that bring me in the "depressive" mindset. If I "fire and forget" I don't think it even affects anything, besides my having a bit of a clouded mind for an hour or so.
Just to keep some credibility though (since my mood swings are not *THAT* often), I'd like to notice that although masturbating itself isn't shameful (ejaculation is ejaculation, whether it's after intercourse with someone or with my hand), in my opinion it's kind of a cheap thrill that puts a stop to my horniness which should put me in a psychological opinion to sotring out the girlfriend problem in my life. That's my only regret and why I'm a bit cautious about declaring masturbation as the ultimate thing to do in your spare time.