Originally Posted by blakngold4
i think the andruw jones thing is irrelevant here because
1) he's a fat toad with the maturity of a 14 year old, so while he makes amazing looking plays, he also misses plays others would make
and 2) mike cameron and carlos beltran. uh...between jones, these two, edmonds, and torii hunter, that's basically the five premier defensive CF's in the game. glavine shouldn't be hurting for numbers with that behind him (compared to andruw, anyway) and when you throw in the fact glavine is in a MUUUUUUCH better pitchers park at shea than ATL, age and/or mazzone is what's left, but andruw definitely isn't the problem.
I have to disagree, even though those are all great outfielders, I still believe Andruw Jones is a major factor. You mentioned missing plays, but that guy is always in the 99% when it comes to success, so unless those are spotlighted I don't think that that's a huge downturn.
I'll add this though, Rafael furcal I believe is a major reason also. Yes he commits a lot of errors, but that's what happens when you can cover the range he does. The balls he try to play would be a instant hit for a majority of other infielders. Defensively the braves have an incredible mid field and it really helps their pitchers. I believe Leo Mazzone knows this, so along he isn't shy from telling the pitchers to throw hittible balls that would be safe for the fielders.
Glavine was that type of pitcher, he didn't have stuff that would tear you down and he isn't a strikeout king. He either hit the corners, or made you hit it to a fielder, and with Atlanta's strong fielding he got better and better as he was here.