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Old 04-22-2005, 06:22 PM   #14 (permalink)
Bob Biter
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by Powderedmaggot
I'd like to see Quebec separate. We could give them a parting gift of thier portion of the national debt. We would no longer have to constantly give them transfer payments. The rest of Canada could get on with our lives and let them get on with thiers. In fact I wish All canadians could vote on thier separation. I think they would be surprised at the number of Canadians who would vote them off the island.
Actually, I'd like to see the results such a pool would have. There would obviously be financial (the amounts of money given to Quebec), political (the Bloc is only supported in Quebec, as opposed to all the other groups) and cultural (the ol' French vs. English mentality) aspects to consider, but would the rest of Canada actually go as far a kick Quebec out, after all the "unity" brouhaha during the last referendum?
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
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