I skipped down the lenghty reviews just to post mine.
First of all, the movie was not confusing. If you pay attention you will understand it. If you did not see the first don't bother watching the second. Why? Simply because you're not a true fan. Who is the Oracle? Who is Tank? Who is Agent Smith? That's mainly why.
To add to the "answer" of what really happened in the Matrix. I will go with this. To disect this we must go to the first movie. The children who were being taught to "accept" the program or become an anomaly had a bald headed child who I remember could bend spoons with his mind (maybe more). Now in Reloaded he sends Neo the spoon as if he will understand why. Is it a gift or maybe something more? I'm not going to look too deep into that. Another thing in the first, was that after Neo jumped inside Agent Smith they swapped data. Being that Neo already being the "One" merged some of that data into Smith while Smith might have also gave Neo some "system" or "matrix" data that allows him to do what he can do. Ex: Flying, but it may not be limited to only that. Now at the fight scene with a lot of Smith's we learn that he is no longer a part of the system. Instead he is some kind of rogue program removed from the matrix and maybe the only reason he fights Neo is for a personal vendetta. Adding to that idea, another agent (the new agent, just with a different face) stumbles onto the fight as an chinese lady holding grocery bags. Smith immediately turns him into an Smith. Why? Maybe he is more of a virus or plague and would like to be the only agent.
As we see, the two different kinds of Agents never work together. So indeed Smith may be an asset to Revolutions. But, what happened to the Smith who "dialed out"? (used the phone to get to the real world) Now obviously someone will say that since he is a code or program he can not fuse with the human brain but how can we rule this out after seeing Neo carry his hairstyle back and forth through the Matrix. It could have just been that they didn't want to bother with all that mess of "bald" then "full head of hair". But remember this is the Matrix, it is not limited to our way of thinking. So the man with the weird goatee should in fact be Agent smith. Why was he cutting his hands? He never experienced feeling before or for that matter, even seen blood (coming out from himself). And the knife? To end the battle between Zion and the Matrix by killing the One.
Will everyone die, including the Matrix and Zion because of Neo's choice? Hell no! You see the Source explains that there have been 6 anomalies therefore 6 "One's", so if they all chose the door to the salvation of Zion then they picked 27 females, 17 children and 7 males (so kill me if it's not exact, I don't remember) to start Zion over. Because what reason would the Source have to lie? To avoid death? No. He already explained that there were levels of living they, the machines, were willing to accept. So Neo did in fact make the right choice by choosing to save Trinity because I assume no "One" before him attempted to do so (choose the door back to the Matrix). For this change, you have to expect an opposite outcome. The end of the Matrix.
Earlier where Secretmethod said that it could be another Matrix? True, but why would they go as that far to confuse us. It stops somewhere. But it was on 500 mini Tv's (I'm sure someone will sit down pause their dvd version and count every single tv) and when Neo's thoughts were shown every monitor had a different response so that does mean there are more matrixes? Not really, because the monitor only showed expected responses as "Bullshit" or "Fuck you!" whenever the hero is told the truth. One stands out and speaks. So the other monitors were not really showing seperate worlds or more Matrix's nor Neo's true feelings. I'll leave this one open many answers.
And I've seen a lot of people bitching about the sex scene, the talking, the CGI, everything.....
1. It was something different so sue them. Good speech some people bitched about the "let them hear us" part. People who are not yet ready to cope with death do not understand this. If you are not afraid who cares if they hear you. Their approaching anyway and the only reason they haven't already come is because they can't drill through some iron-ore.
2. The Talking- Fuck the movie for having any kind of a story or plot. If you ask me it was better than all the damn fighting put together. They EXPLAIN the MATRIX to us! More or less. so this was definently a good story not just a action thriller made for wannabe white boys who run around screaming "I am Neo". It's just a movie no one will ever possess that kind of power.
3.CGI- One guy up there said it better than I could. About how it being required for redefining the blocks and tiny but noticeable attacks. But in the highway scene it was just full blown fake. Neo grabbing Morpheus and the Keymaker and dragging them up upwards like two rag dolls which was only saved by the token black guy's "YES!!!" I can't expect perfection this is no Animatrix (although it should have been) or Final Fantasy. There are many parts in which the fighting angered me. Bad choreography and boring fight sequences God forbid Neo should be hit. I accept what Warner Bros. has thrown at us and do so with a smile. Because if were put into their situation, Could you do better? HELL no. Before you bitch remember the time and effort that was put into the film. I close my argument here.
Quoting chinese guy: "I protect that which is most important." (or something to that effect) Is it the Oracle? or something deeper?
And the weirdest thing is that me and one other poster above have one thing we share. During the movie I had about 3 to 4 wide eyed moments where I accepted information that blew my mind or where I put the "pieces of the puzzle" together, so to speak. But during one of those moments, maybe it was all the green, I said to myself. This is like the 13th floor! Yet I have never seen the movie!!!!! The only bit I remember is from a preview of it where green surrounds all these "business type clients" and some ball explodes or something like that. I think something subliminal is going on. Don't be surprised if you see an ad for "The 13th floor" anytime soon on sale or something.
"I have more to add that's what the edit button is for."