Originally Posted by Strange Famous
in my opinion, a man has no moral, and is entitled to no legal, rights in regard to abortion whatsoever. No one in my opinion has the right to control or claim rights over another persons body.
This discussion is in no way about forcing a woman to have an abortion.
Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Personally I think that the father should have the right to an abortion as well (legal rather than physical... forcefully performing medical procedures or a woman seems rather harsh to say the least)
(emphasis mine)
We are talking about giving the man a right to legally absolve his relationship with a child. Perhaps abortion is a bad word choice, but in a sense it is the same thing, only "legal rather than physical". Women have the right to do this with a physical abortion if they do not want to take responsibility for a child, by equality men should have the same chance but don't. This seems to me it is about giving them that choice, and whether or not you agree.