Originally Posted by Master_Shake
Did you consult any dictionaries or other sources for those definitions, or did you piece them together yourself?
It's a bit of Both, I consulted four different dictionaries before I put them together. Beleive me some of the dictionaries show bias! ... in my humble opinion.
I figured that the definitions would seem reasonable to most people.
The reason I wanted to create the definitions in common wording is to ensure that we define each term broadly enough to develop a deeper understanding or each other and ourselves... Some of us are pretty entrenched and accusing of others "perceived" error.
For Example: a statement like, "I will never beleive there is a god!" could be described as a closed minded Atheist. Perhaps(?)one that is fanatical. While the statement "I have not yet seen any evidence of a God." is a statement that is more open minded, although still atheistic.
On the other hand when person says "There is a God, his name is Jesus and I will never change my mind." they are being just as closed minded as the Atheist, unless of course they have actally "seen" God and are satisfied with the evidence put forth. - A softer statement would be "I beleive that Jesus Christ is Lord even though I have not seen any direct evidence" or "I beleive the eye witness testimony presented in scripture.", indicates a willingness to listen to and contemplate the views of others presenting argument.
So this is part of my rationale... with the broad definitions explained we can have a more intelligent conversation!
P.s. Personally I am an Atheist... but hate being labelled as a fanatic as much as, I am sure, any Christian would hate it.