I gotta tell you man, I am very adept at subtly changing peoples opinions of me, and it's ridiculously easy to get someone to trust you again... you have to exhibit different behaviours that play to their intuition so they believe they sense a change in you.
To gain her trust first you have to wait a little, but hardly as long as you think. I would say within the period of a week or two, tops. Then you have to slowly start behaving more maturely, but genuinely more mature. If she is smart she will be able to tell whether you are putting on an act or being genuinely more mature, but if you do it right, this will make her believe you are more trustworthy. Then you have to start sharing some of your own secrets, pretty obvious method to try but it eludes some people. This lets her know you trust her. All the while you have to do this while making her believe that she is very much like you and her interests are the same as your interests, and thus you and her are alike, and if you're good at doing this she would think you two must've been great friends in a different lifetime.
There you have it. It's not honest or nice but it is expedient and the quickest solution to your problem. BE CAREFUL. Be. Fucking. Careful. Manipulation is powerful and although many people can manipulate others, few people can handle it's consequences, and if you break her trust again... then depending on how much of a fool she is to trust you again, eventually she will see you as a shifty, crafty motherfucker to be avoided. =)
p.s. subtlety is KEY... you set up the ideas and let her make the connections, she'll think she's realizing something about you while you are actually reprogramming her
good luck and dont fuck up
I'm just messing with you. You could try what I just said but I don't suggest it.. just tell her you're sorry.