Originally Posted by roachboy
what looks like is emerging through this thread is a desire for a kind of dictatorship, one centered on a charismatic Leader, a decisive fellow who Thinks about Important Matters so that you and i dont have to, who would enable us to devote the necessary degrees and types of attention to playstation and grilling in the back yard and measuring the extent of political freedom by counting Important Commodiites that we have been able to pile up around our residences.
Not a dictator, or just one person but all of our elected officials. People we elect to represent the best interests of the citizens who are too busy working for a living (not just playing games or grilling out) and do not have the time or resources to understand all the minutia of government. They should be there to represent us since we cannot be.
I know that we as voters are to blame for letting the two major parties evolve into a group of professionals who know that catering to special interest groups is the way to get elected rather than doing what is right for the masses. The reason that healthcare is so messed up and taxes are so complicated is not because we want them that way but because the groups making their money from the current system do. And these groups are the financial fuel behind the polititians next re-election campaign.
I guess until we stop voting for them the current polititians will continue doing what is best to further their careers at the expense of our well being. How are things to change for the better if we keep on electing them?