Originally Posted by Latch
It's a great show, although I'm curious what the cliffhanger will be. I hope it's not "Oh man I slept with Elliot... again". Well.. JD would be saying that. I wouldn't mind sleeping with Elliot... 
The writers were talking about how they were done with the J.D./Elliot love story for a while because they didn't want to beat it to death so early in the show's life. Plus, they've proven to be capable of producing quality beyond the regular standards on network sitcoms so I expect something good.
My only complaint on Tuesdays now is that Scrubs comes on at the same time as House, M.D., which is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows. So to have two shows that I absolutely love on at the same time is just cruel and unusual punishment and I'd appreciate if the networks could work that out for next season.