It is simple, women can absolve themselves from any responsibility with an abortion, if she doesn't want the child she has a bailout.
The guy on the other hand has no such thing, he is forced to dance after the womans wistle, so to speak, when it comes to the legal aspects of having children.
This is not equality in my opinion.
I have never encounterd the mentality that women get pregnant just to get married but I know of women who get pregnant to live on childsupport and welfare and I know of women who keeps a baby against the wish of the father when contraceptives fail.
If a woman has the right to abort a child she does not want (where I live that is pretty much given) a guy should have the same right. Not in a physical sense but in a legal, responsibilitywise and financial sense.
It is an old question turned the other way. Should a woman be forced to have a child she does not want or should she have the right to abort it? Should a man be fored to have a child he does not want or should he have the right to legally abort it? (With "have a child" I mean all the responsibilities that comes with it)
A legal abortion should be formed much the same way as a regular abortion, the man has a certain period of time after the pregnancy has been confirmed, preferably a month shorter than the allowed time for an abortion, to make up his mind about wether he want the child or not. If he doesn't, the woman still have time to concider her options A) to abort the pregnancy, or B) keep it and provide for it herself, or C) go through with the pregnancy and put the child up for adoption.
There should be a fee, somtehing like Supple Cow suggested (half the cost for the abortion + loss of income during the presumed recovery period + all legal fees) for a legal abortion to discourage any missuse. And like an abortion it is an irrevocable decition. Once the legal abortion has been executed the man has no right to retract his decition ever.
- "Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.."
- "Religions take everything that your DNA naturally wants to do to survive and pro-create and makes it wrong."
- "There is only one absolute truth and that is that there is only one absolute truth."