I feel simpathy for men concerning their rights to children. After divorces especially , they should have equal rights to seeing and caring for the children, I see no reason for judges to put the rights of the woman above the man.
But the issue of abortion is different..because it involves the womans body. What is happening is happening to the woman herself physically and therefore the ultimate control of events MUST go to her.She should be able to have the final say in whether she carries on with the child.
I think this is a separate issue to after the child has been born and whether the man must contribute to its upbringing.Once the child exists then the man needs to contribute fully to its upbringing, He took the decision to have sex and needs to accept responsibility .he has the choice to step back from personal contact with the child , but should always be made to be there financially .
I would never personally have an abortion and find it horrific that some people would have a situation where I could be 'forced' to have one.