Originally Posted by maleficent
If men were also held more accountable than they are (they are only deadbeat dads when they get caught) maybe they would be a little more careful before having sex.
There are some women out there with ulterior motives, but there are more men out there who abandon their responsibilities, even if it's a one night stand. If a man doesn't want to have children, he has himself snipped, problem solved, until he's done that, when he has sex, if his sperm makes a baby, he's responsible.
Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Well, it seems to me that your position is to suggest that men should be able to give up their parental rights if they didn't want to have a child.
My position regarding that sentiment is simple: if the father is allowed to do this, I (the tax payer) will be paying for his child. Personally, I think this is a terrible idea. Sounds to me like the guy needs to consider
a) condoms
b) controlling his penis so that it doesn't come into contact with anything that could create an unwanted child.
I think he's saying something that is entirely true, if a women doesn't want to take the responsibility she doesn't have to. I mean, she can get her tubes tied, she can use contraceptives(and these do fail) even though she should take responsibility too before she jumps in the sack, she still has an out if she wants it. If her egg makes a baby she's responsible...only she isn't, well doesn't have to be.
I think what he is asking is why shouldn't men have the same right? Equality demands the same out women have.