This is an interesting thread and a very personal topic. Obviously it wouldn't be an on-going debate it if wasn't so far from being cut and dry.
AngelicVampire, you propose something I have never thought of but have no opposition to as a pro-choice woman. I would agree that the world might be a fairer place if men gained legal rights to NOT be responsible for a baby they helped to conceive. I imagine some kind of system where either a man is allowed rights to see the child and required to pay child support, or where he pays a one-time "abortion" fee (in the neighborhood of half of the total costs of an abortion in the area, including costs of transportation and compensation for the woman during the expected recovery period) and does NOT have rights to see the child. I would feel really strongly about those two going together in particular: the rights to see the child and the obligation to support it. That would seem fair in my book... at least more fair than the current system. I'm glad you brought this up. Learn something new every day.
Originally Posted by maleficent
Do women still get pregnant to make the man marry them? I thought we'd have farther than that as a gender.
Yes. Yes they do. I would be just as surprised as you are at the notion if it weren't for the fact that I personally know one of those women... she is now part of the family.