Originally Posted by Seeker
You know, I think this is a great topic. Consider the amount of females that deliberately get pregnant, reasons exist from 'making him marry you' to just wanting to live on welfare and child support benefits...
If men could 'abort' pregnancies then perhaps people would be a little more careful with their actions.
Do women still get pregnant to make the man marry them? I thought we'd have farther than that as a gender.
If men were also held more accountable than they are (they are only deadbeat dads when they get caught) maybe they would be a little more careful before having sex.
There are some women out there with ulterior motives, but there are more men out there who abandon their responsibilities, even if it's a one night stand. If a man doesn't want to have children, he has himself snipped, problem solved, until he's done that, when he has sex, if his sperm makes a baby, he's responsible.