I have read all the posts along the way, and commented on some of the ones that stand out from the pack.
I get the impression that most posters are young, probably teens and early 20's and still in that black and white phase of your life. I however am 40 and I am in the "I used to get disgusted, now I just get amused" phase of my life.
Some of you are very naive thinking that all problems can be worked out by honest communication. Ha, communication can suck big sometimes. If we were all brutally honest with each other, the murder rate would be 1000 times what it is now. "Do I look fat in this dress?" Honest communications response, "Fuck honey you look fat in any dress cause you are 40 pounds overweight" Boom, out comes the shot gun.
Somethings are better left not said.
The statistics are pretty simple.
In my eyes, the man is not getting what he wants at home and his wife doesn't want to care. He has thought about it, he isn't happy, and he has sought out a solution to his problem.
I have married friends in the same boat and they all have affairs. But they don't leave their marriages strangely enough. I have a very good friend who has by all accounts a perfect wife, but she can't keep up with his sex drive, so he has affairs. He keeps them discrete, he doesn't have a girlf friend on the side, but he will NEVER leave his wife over something stupid like a piece of ass. To him, having sex is no bigger of a deal than ordering lunch. It's a need, he takes care of it.
The only mistake the original poster has made is that he he hooked up on a personal level with someone he knows. He should have kept his affair at arm's length such as a call girl, or massage parlour. Then, it's strictly business.
By having an affair with another woman on an ongoing basis, he has risked getting caught. I only hope for his sake that the other woman is similarly attached.