Originally Posted by Menoman
Hit that shit man,
People can blame you all you want, how is it your problem that she doesnt wanna put effort into the relationship. Face it, Sex is a part of relationships. Healthy relationships have healthy sex. Unhealthy sex will lead to unhealthy relationships. Facts of life.
I say don't listen to people telling you "It's your commitment to her by marriage" Fuck that, she has a commitment too, her's is to keep you happy just as vice versa. You live one time man, make it happy for yourself and ta hell wit teh rest.
Thank you for telling it like it is.
I really really really doubt that his wife is cheating on him.
Sounds to me that she has either lost her sex drive, or she never was really that sexual in the first place. Women who cheat still tend to fuck their husbands because they don't want to get caught and any sudden change tends to set off warning bells. I had a long term female partner cheat on me and we had the best sex of our lives when it was coming unglued.
No, it's her problem not his. I have seen lots of women who lose interest in sex once the kids come along. It's like the mothering gene kicks in and all they think about is the kids and they totally lose interest in the old man. Part of me thinks that on some level they think that they have accomplished all of their goals - marriage, followed by children, so now they no longer need to put out.
You can hem and haw all you want, but talk to married men and half of them will have this exact same story. What's the old joke, "What food can you use to decrease a woman's sex drive?" Answer, "Wedding Cake"