Originally Posted by Manx
That is a ridiculous statement that can only be made with a straight face if you truly do not see the difference between preventing someone else from doing something that has nothing to do with you and preventing someone else from preventing someone else from doing something that has nothing to do with them.
In other words - some couple somewhere practicing gay sex does not affect me. If I feel the need to prevent that couple from practicing gay sex, I am being unreasonable. If it is your goal to prevent me from being able to prevent that couple from practicing gay sex, you are not being unreasonable.
Now it's up to you to recognize the difference between those positions.
You are 100% wrong. Someone having their car stolen across the country doesn't affect you. Someone having sex with a 9 year old across the country does not affect you. Someone beating his wife in another city does not affect you. If something affecting you is the only standard, should those things be allowed?
Originally Posted by guy44
For example, I don't have any problem that abolitionists forced their views on slaveowners. Do you?
I totally support abolitionists forcing their views on slaveowners. Just like I support a community choosing to ban sodomy, if that's what they desire. I also don't see how someone could on moral grounds say that Scalia should be "pitied and despised" for his views. I was showing that that sounds like the same rhetoric that is often attributed to fundamentalists, and it also stems from the same supposedly morally superior grounds.
But the issue wasn't what I think. I have stated in other threads that I supported the ruling. I don't think that sodomy laws are unconstitutional, or even wrong. I just find that the cost of implementation of those laws in a fair manner outweighs any possible gain to society, so they had to go. But I think that Scalia's dissent was correct. I just tend not to put as much weight on the constitutionality of a law or decision if I think that the outcome is for the best.