Yeah, that's a mouse. A very impressive one.
When your cat thinks this highly of you as to deliver a delicacy (no, 2 OF THEM!!), there are common ways to reciprocate:
1. Give your cat a tounge bath. It takes a while. I suggest drinking plenty of water so you dont dehydrate.
2. Let your cat sleep on your pillow. Sharing the nesting spot is a great way to say thanks.
3. Cook said present in a french demiglaze and present BACK to the cat. I would take the hair off first. Burnt hair smells really bad in the oven and may upset your cat's palate.
Seriously though, we had a problem like that when I was a kid (cat presents, sometimes really nasty) and we took an easy measure to fix it...
A bell on the collar. A little cute bell allows potential prey time to react before your "Enforcer" pounces for the kill.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.