Originally Posted by willravel
Imagine that you crash a firey piece of metal into a tree and the very top collapses. Watch the video. The top floor collapses, then the second from the top and so on. There were cutter jets, or smoke/debreis clouds, shooting out of each floor. The fire damaged floors did not collapse first. All 47 coulumns could not have given at once (as was shown when the antenna on the North Tower collapsed first), that is simply impossible.
The explaination given would have easily excused the building falling if the floors were collapsing over a period of time. The fact is that they collapsed simultaneously. That rules out the fire damage or plane damage theory. Wiht those two theoryies ruled out, you must develope a new theory.
I am so sick of this, so I am not going to bother trying to figure out what you are saying here.
FYI, the NIST is going to release a new report this spring in which it explains the WTC7 collapse in greater detail. Among their findings (surprise!) there was more damage to the South facade of WTC7 than was originally realized
Wait....of course they'll say that now b/c they are part of the conspiracy!
I just re-read the NOVA piece and the Popular Mechanics piece on the WTC attacks. These address and refute each of the points you endlessly repeat to support this conspiracy theory, and ni my opinion they do so convincingly.
Nevertheless, it is quite clear will that you have no interest whatsoever in giving up this theory.
*EDIT* So I don't have to take the last word away from will a few posts below.
I read about the upcoming NIST report on the Popular Mechanics site.
This is what I hope will be my final post in this thread, unless I see an opportunity to clear up an obvious misunderstanding.
Good luck all!