Originally Posted by StephenSa
I was raised to say Sir and Ma'am. Being raised that way it always seemed polite and proper and when I hear children speaking to adults with the same familiarity they would have with their peers it frankly grates on my nerves. I have a stepdaughter that is more than a handful and often quite rude. I believe if she had been raised to use Sir and Ma'am and treat adults with deference then she might not have some of the behavioral problems she has today. I still use Sir and Ma'am to this day (I'm 37) and just think its more civil. People used to dress up to take an airplane trip or even go shopping. People at one time considered courtesy and respect to be important values and that exhibiting those values gave ones own life more worth. They were right. Today the guy next to me on the plane is likely to be wearing flip-flops and a stained sports jersey, get drunk and berate the flight attendants. In a restaurant many if not most of the guys heads will be adorned with backwards baseball caps and wearing shorts and speak rudely and crudely while others try to enjoy their meals. I don't know, I could just stand to hear a little more courtesy and simple polite respect from others these days. I always feel a little better when I do.
well, this summer, i'll do my best to raise the level of common courtesy in dallas

youu may bump into me in a bar or restaurant over the summer, as i'll be interning in the city