Originally Posted by Gilda
Your mom is a woman of taste and class.
Whenever we go out on a double date or have one of my sister's boyfreind's over for dinner, we train him to do most of those things, and take positive glee out of torturing him if he doesn't do them properly. The napkin on the back of the chair is a new one; I'm going to have to add that to the repertoire. 
If you leave the table and intend to return, then you fold it and drape it over your chairback. If you have completed the meal and intend to leave, you fold it and place it where you found it, usually under the fork(s). Wadding it up and throwing it on your plate is something Mr. Britney Spears would do.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."