by no means am i trying to dissuade you from riding, I just want you to havea realistic picture. As far as maintenance goes, it really depends on the bike you buy. Shaft drive, chain drive, belt drive, tappet adjusted valves, tire changes tend to be more frequent and tires don't come cheap, they'll cost more than the tires on your civic (buy the best tires you makes a huge difference in the way your bike handles), most of the stuff can be done by someone who has a fair mechanical aptitude. Helmets....I'm very happy to see you ask this question, buy a decent helmet, you will be more willing to wear it as it will be much more comfortable than a cheap helmet. epxpect to spend better than 200 dollars american and up to about 400 dollars american, you want one that is full face, well vented, designed so that the face shield doesn't fog up, and one that fits. Fit is very important, an ill fitting helmet can actually cause more problems if you are to need it's protection. Leathers....a good quality jacket designed for riding, is worth it's weight in gold, not only will it protect you in the event of an accident, but it will protect you from the wind, small sticks and stones thrown up by other vehicles tires, and other hazards. a leather jacket is a must. invest in two good quality (are you noticing a theme about quality here?) pairs of gloves, a coool weather pair, and a summer pair. I know you won't be riding in the cold weather, but trust me on this, there will come a morning that you will be very happy you bought the warmer pair of gloves. Do not ride w/o gloves on, your hands will thank you for this the first time you hit a bee with them.