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Old 04-20-2005, 05:21 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Washington DC
OK, you just said Barry Bonds was the best player since Ted Williams. Someone has to call bull shit. And I am. Fuck barry bonds. Admittedly, he was awesome before he got all roided up when he was a 40 40 guy with the pirates. But the best since Williams? Bull shit. I could easily name 10 players better than Bonds since Williams, namely their knees could still hold them up at age 40 because their upper bodies didn't look like Hulk Hogan's. And I know you'll ask me which 10, so here: Mantle, Aaron, Mays, Yastremski, Brett, Rose, Schmidt, Molitor, Ramirez, hell I'll even say A-Rod. It's impossible to judge true opinions of these people, because Bonds was real good but his steroid use completely cloats whatever he has done. Same with Sosa and McGwire.

Is Mora really 4 years older than A-Rod too? What the fuck has Mora been doing with himself? i don't know about his defense, but he is a very good hitter. He is definitely slumping right now but things will turn around -- but it all comes down to whether he can play a whole season.

The point about A-Rod is that he's sucked when its mattered. You ask for evidence, then how about his performance in the playoffs last year, since that's all the real pressure situation we have. Hitting sub .250 against the Sox? Killing their momentum by hitting into a shitty groundball with runners in scoring position and making an ass out of yourself by swatting at the pitcher? Fuck A-Rod, he's talented but not when it matters. He should save himself the trouble and go back to a team that won't compete, because his pretty boy bull shit is strictly for the stat books.

I think there is such a thing as clutch. People doing what it matters, when it matters. And I'm sure you can prove it statistically too. See how people do with hitters in scoring position after the 7th inning. See who has higher field goal percentages, higher scored points, more game winning shots in the fourth quarter. Fair enough MJ may have spent the first 7 years of his career clanking some game winners off of the front of the rim, but you can't say his late game success was a product of chance.
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