I think the consideration of the mainstream media is a mistake, myself. If you would like an example of what the media does to a once-pure brass tacks medium, look at the music industry. To say that the popularization and mass distribution improved the quality of the music that is being produced today would get many educated people to consider your sanity. The media is now doing that same exact thing with politics. The quality of political discussion is disintegrating as a result of the mass distribution of the concept of political power. Now, much like the music industry, any hack can get their time in the spotlight and their due consideration, simply by saying the right thing at the right time to the right people, no matter how incompetent they are.
Ann Coulter is like the Spice Girls. No depth, just fluff to arouse the public. Michael Moore is like Blink 182. Catchy shit that holds it's ground in the public's eye despite the fact that it's horribly contrived.
We've got a few one-hit wonders popping up every day. Tom Delay, Father Pavone, etc...
Now, you must realize that these people don't make a single bit of difference. They are, much like today's singers and bands, talking heads for much larger entities. Big companies and organizations pay them to say what they say. Sometimes they realize they can make money themselves by saying something just to perk people up. It doesn't matter though, you're still getting caught up in the soap opera.
I'm an advocate of stopping the problem at it's source. The source for the issues in politics is lobbying. I know, it's impossible. However, I'd rather keep my eye on the target than get caught up in all this song and dance.