Yes Halx, but the scary part is that they're playing with taxpayer money and the shaping of this country for future generations. In other words, the stakes make WWE look small in scale and importance.
Is it a soap-opera?Yes
Will this change? We can all work towards change and better discussion.
The point is that apathy is far worse than being addicted to it like the reality show it is.
I think the problem is not with politics, as they have always been this way. I think the problem is the polarization of society on every level. News networks need a good fight, and nothing is better than two people or two groups that talk past each other.
At various times in our countries history, we have moved political mountains so to speak and forged compromise that moved society forward. At other times, we have all talked till we are blue in the face.
But the reality is that compromise is a lost art. There are signs that it has to do with the generation now being elected, and the way they where raised. I leave that for science and history books ( Though to reference what I'm speaking of, consult the famous qoute about the baby boomers "The ME generation". )
What worries me is the slow breaking of civil discourse. I like to think that when I make a statment in error, or am interpreted incorrectly, I apologize. It's a simple act, but it can mean so much. Words like "I'm sorry" and "I was wrong" rarely appear in the polotics forum here, and that is indicative of how rare they are becoming in social politics overall.
As for the media, there is no such thing as unbias, only more stratightforward, and it's hard not to laugh typing that. Ratings are king (Well okay, not on CSpan), and drawing ones news source as fox, cnn, et allis buying into said ratings game.
Now actually listening to what someone who's politics you don't like and hearing what they have to say, then responding to them not about your own agenda, but first addressing their concerns, then explaining your agenda, then trying to mutualy find middle ground; this has always been the hallmark of when politics that actually had effect worked. This is a rarity, but it was John Locke's dream when he drafted his essays. Civil discourse deciding the future.
For better or for worse, this requires often arguing, impasses, and the like, all of which do lead to a moving forward of social law and the agedas of this country. It just happens on a scale that is outside the 4 year election timeframe.
We are by far not the first generation to discuss that politics are nothing but arguing and drama. but perhaps the question we should ask is "If it's so messed up, how did it still successfully produce the country in which I live today?" (And presumably value living in)
Seen on an employer evaluation:
"The wheel is turning but the hamsters dead"
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