Your parting shadow
Still falls across my floor
I still hear the silence
Knocking on the door
Footsteps traced backwards
Lead me to the beginning
You can't take your knife
Out of my back
Blood dripping
Emotions lingering
The room
Won't stop spinning
It's wedged in there so deeply
You seem to have lost track
Watching the trail
Of the drops coming down
Maybe then you'll see
What I knew all along
Your eyes following me
Even when your not here
Your voice haunts me
Every syllable
Instills fear
Your nails left marks
All across my back
Ribbons of flesh
Hanging off track
Little zig zags
Appear in the sky
You say they are clouds
Every word is a lie
Watching every move
Before I can make it
Stealing every breath
Before I can take it
Who are you to judge
And say what is right
Your perfection goes unnoticed
Yet you slaughter me with words
You think you are the only one
Who says things
Your voice is all around me
I can still hear the ringing in my ears
Little bits of resentment
Falling down like tears
I can't take back the things that I did
Anymore then the future
Can be changed up ahead
It's best to move on
Forget I am even alive
I burned those bridges
Now your the one
Stuck on the other side