This seems to have become a debate over the size of men and women and how hard we hit, and administering beatings on people for doing it...
Please understand that, at the age of 24 i'd like to believe that i've grown out of the violence phase that I had when i was at school... sure I hit a few people when i was younger, and took a few beating myself - I look at it as a life experience, and it taught me that if i need to stick up for myself, I know what to do, and also know my limitations...
However, I would NEVER try to beat up a friend who i've know since i was 7 yrs old even in this situation, and added to that the fact that he could probably lay me out (i'm 6' 2" but not built like a brick shit house)- I don't want the pain and bruising afterwards and have to explain it to my work colleagues.
It seems that some people here are just trying to show their machismo which no-one actually gives a damn about
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