The Jolt, please provide examples of Saddam "financing terrorsts". "Probably" is not good enough to justify aggressive war, especially when you offer no durable evidence that the US was directly threatened.
I believe that it is an accepted fact that Saddam Hussein publically offered to pay the families of any Palestinian "martyr" who died in action against the Israelis. The families of said "martyr" would receive a cash payment of up to $25,000.
"Salaries for Suicide Bombers"
Apparently, Saddam may have paid up to $35 million to support terrorist acts in a roundabout way...
"Saddam's Connection to Palestinian Terrorism"
"Iraq continues paying Palestinian suicide bombers families"
In a resolution passed last May, the European Parliament accused Iraq of "deliberately fuelling the Israeli-Palestinian crisis by encouraging the very worst acts of Palestinian terrorism through direct and publicly announced payments to the families of suicide bombers".
It insisted that the Iraqi government cease immediately its support and encouragement for the murderous policy of suicide bombing and instead promote policies that will contribute to a peaceful resolution of the Middle East situation.
"Saddam's Palestinian Bounty"