Folks, if Saddam was a "murderous psychopath", who "gassed his own people", and thus the U.S. was justified in an unprovoked invasion of Iraq that has resulted in the overthrow of his government by the force of the U.S. military, and the deaths of at minimum, 17,000 Iraqi civilians, and in the physical destruction of much of Iraq, what say you of the Reagan and Bush I administrations, who not only supplied Saddam with the chemical and biological weapons stocks and the technical know-how to make and to use them, but turned a blind eye to Saddam's "gassing his own people", and continued to provide him with military support, intelligence info, and diplomatic relations.
By your own "rules", are Rumsfeld, Bush I, and former members of the Reagan admin. not enablers and conspirators with the "murderous psychopath", Saddam?
As I read your statement, which I have bolded, I would respond that the actions of the Reagan and GHW Bush Administrations made us responsible for the monster that was and is Saddam Hussein, and - consequently - made him our responsibility to deal with. An atonement for earlier decisions, if you will.
On another note, does anyone know - since we supplied Hussein with stockpiles of both chemical and biological weapons - if the information he supplied to the UN on these programs accounted for the amounts we gave/sold to him? I'm curious about that one.