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Old 04-19-2005, 06:04 PM   #71 (permalink)
Originally Posted by guy44
George W. Bush's grandfather, the father of George Bush, Sr., raised money for the Nazis. The South once was the enemy. Republicans, who are lead by Bush, are all over the goddam place in the South. I guess that makes them all traitors?
Nah, there's no such thing under US law as "corruption of blood". Jane Fonda, however, did what she did, and should have been made to pay for her treasonous activities.

It's very simple....if you (not your parents or grandparents) betray the country by giving aid and comfort to the enemy, you are a traitor.

Joe Kennedy was both a bootlegger and a Nazi supporter. You'll notice that I didn't include JFK/RFK in my list. Why? Because they can't be held responsible for the actions of others, only for their OWN actions, and they didn't give aid and comfort to our enemies.
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