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Old 04-19-2005, 05:13 PM   #67 (permalink)
Mjollnir Incarnate
Location: Lost in thought
I didn't know who Ann Coulter was before Time came in the mail today. And I haven't done more than skim the article yet. But did Time choose her worst quotes, or is this how... I don't even have a word... she always is?
How about a Republican Governor sending in the National Guard to stop an innocent American woman from being starved to death in Florida?
Personal feelings aside, isn't the National Guard supposed to be for controlling serious riots and saving people from floods and defending the country? Maybe she was kidding.
Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots...
The SU thing must have been before my time, and I don't really remember what the hell she's talking about with Saddam. I think the last sentence speaks for itself.
There are a lot of bad Republicans; there are no good Democrats.
Isn't that like racism of beliefs? Er... beliefism? SecretMethod70 better hide; Ann might hunt you down for being a libertarian...
I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning. Boom!... They're a major threat. I just think it would be fun to nuke them and have it be a warning to... the world.
Nukes are... fun? Considering this, Bush is a pretty good president; he hasn't admitted to having an itchy trigger finger yet. And I wonder what was in the ellipsis? "...have it be a warning to [Democrats and] the world" maybe. And why does the world need to be afraid of us?
Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the President.
Outright racism... Should I be banned from press conferences because I'm partially Irish and might go IRA on all your asses?
PS - Tiocfaidh Ár Lá
We need to execute people like John Walker [Lindh] in order to physically intimidate liberals.
Oh, right. I almost forgot how you explained that liberals are all terrorists.

I think that I could have just posted the quotes and they would've spoken for themselves. I've "known" Ms. Coulter for about 5 hours and already dislike her.
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