Originally Posted by sixate
Read the thread starters post. That isn't what happened here. An alcohol induced argument was going on where the woman started hitting the guy. That's all we know. So your example is rather pointless.
My story has a
point, it's just not
relevant to the initial post or your post, I didn't get that far before I hit submit. Congratulations you caught me. It is however relevant to lurkette's post, so please don't just write it off as pointless.
Originally Posted by sixate
A different sort of question for everyone who feels that a man should never ever hit a woman under any circumstance because the man is so much bigger and stronger and able to take the punishment.... Say you have a 4-6 year old child that starts hitting, kicking, and smacking the parent(mother or father). How many of you mothers and fathers have hit your child or would hit your child if you had one? There's still that same size factor where the adult(man or woman) is physically big enough and strong enough to restrain without hitting. So can someone explain what the difference is??? Huge double standards here by nearly everyone.
This fits here too along with all the questions about anyone hitting anyone. The difference is in the
intent of the hit. Yes I'm an ends may justify the means person. Back to the original post, at this point you feel your friend did something terribly wrong by hitting his girlfriend and want to right this wrong. It was immediately suggested the best way to get through to him is to take him out back and beat him senseless. The huge discussion going on is whether or not this is a good reaction or should I be able to hit so and so under such and such circumstances.
The answer to that boils down to how you view violence as a means. Personally I firmly believe violence or the threat of violence works in most cases to get your point across. Whether or not your intent justifies the use of violence is entirely based on your own morals which are in turn entirely subjective, carved from your life experience. So it's at the individuals call based on the situation. I gave an original example of when I thought it may be ok for a man to hit a woman, later an example of when it would not be ok for a man to hit a woman(and what I feel is not an inappropriate response). I attempted to explain my reasoning for both(but I often do not articulate well so the reasoning may be lost) to the ends of showing intent.
If the intent is to cause harm with violence then there is a problem, if the intent is education then it depends on the situation (at least for me). So, finally in your latest question, if the parent is just trying to hurt the kid in retaliation then no it's not ok. If the kid gets his butt smacked with a good talking to about why its wrong to hit your parents then that would be ok. You(not you as in sixate, but you as in any person at all) dare disagree and say hitting your kids is always wrong, what I know is I believe it worked for me(I think I turned out ok)