Originally Posted by Lasereth
I thought the Superstring Theory was just a proposed explanation of how the universe was created. Care to explain further? I wanna know if my Astronomy professor had some bad theories going on. 
I was under the impression that brane theory predicts the existance of large-scale 1-branes (ie, really large (as in super) strings) in our 3 dimensional universe.
Brane theory is what string theory has evolved into: the strings of string theory being very small 1-branes (1 dimensional, or line-like, thingies). One explanation for the universe in brane theory is that our universe is a (4-brane?) embedded in a 10-dimensional space. It's collision with/bounce off of another 4-brane caused the "big-bang" or was the big bang.
All of this information is just at the popular science level. I am not a physicist, and the ones I know aren't doing brane-theory.