Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Being from the north, I can see how you would get confused. Instead of, "Pardon me ma'am, may I get past you?" you are used to "Out of my way, bitch!" Personally, I would prefer the former.
I'm from New York/New Jersey.. I take no offence to the latter at all...
Years back when I was a store manager for a retailer, I had a bunch of Indian employees. As part of their upbringing, they were very respectful towards management, but their culture (I'm guessing) was also somewhat chauvenistic, and didn't quite always know how to deal with women in authority. Because I was the big boss, I naturally had the title of Sir.. because big bosses were called Sir.. but the problem was I was a ma'am -- so half of them use to call me Ma'am Sir... first time it was explained to me why they did it, I almost died laughing...