Yes, I like it very much. It's about time we revive a bit of polite society and decorum in our cultural wastleand. Being polite isn't a matter of political correctness or whatever, it's just you know, nice and pleasant. Who could argue with that?
I was at a bus stop when a kid (12-14yrs old) glared at an old lady and said "Whaddya lookin' at BITCH?". How did we devolve so low (I'll refrain form the typical scapegoats - rap music, dysfunctional familie, TV etc)?
Maleficent, please don't get offended at someone calling you ma'am. It's kind of sweet. There are much worse things to be called as someone mentioned above.
I've had professors who would address the students as sir or ma'am and it was reciprocated in kind as well. I refuse to call my professors by their first name (as many of the liberal ones insist). It's the same with greeting. People don't greet each other anymore. I always like to see people's faces light up when you say, "howdy ma'am or god afternoon sir". There are certain words that never go out of style: please, thank you, how are you, excuse me, pleasant day, sir, ma'am etc.