I agree Manx, we don't know Jack. Unless you live over there, or know someone who does, all you have is the media's preception of what is going on.
As far as the thing about War Criminals: War Criminals are what the winners call the losers. Bush is not a war criminal (he won), Saddam is a war criminal(he lost).
Originally Posted by boatin
One plausible reason is that they think it illustrates that we are losing the war on terror, and it would cost them politically. And perhaps the war has been about politics, power, and managing thier own agenda - and NOT about making us safer.
That could be, and I'm not going to try and defend Bush, all I am trying to say is that things are most certainly better over there now than they were before. But I have no direct evidence as such, and no one trying to say that it is worse over there now can provide me with any direct first-hand experience to support their claim.
As far as "probably" not being good enough to declare war, you're right. But I wasn't the one who declared war, was I? (Hint:I am not a member of congress)