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Old 04-19-2005, 10:52 AM   #56 (permalink)
The Jolt
Originally Posted by arch13
I vote in every municipale, city, state, and national election. I will give up my right to have a say in my community, even when the ballot measure being decided does not directly effect me or my checkbook, when you pry the gun from my cold dead hands....

Otherwise, The Jolt, you need to explain why could make you think that only those affected in one cingular way by a ballot measure have a say in it. Anything that happens in my community will efect me, even if indirectly. Therfor, I have a god given right to voice my opinion in every election that occurs, not just the ones that my taxes directly pay for.
Imagine a ballot measure to raise property taxes to build a new campus for the local Community College. Say this is in a town of 100,000 people, but only 40,000 own property and pay property taxes.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll say that everyone votes.
The 40,000 property owners are more likely to research the issue, find out what the CC has done with previous tax increases, evaluate if the money will be spent wisely.
Most of the 60,000 are not as likely to do research, but just show up at the polls and think "a new CC campus, that sounds like a good idea" without any idea how the money is spent or would be better spent. In this example, NO TAX INCREASE WOULD EVER BE TURNED DOWN. The property owners would eventually be taxed out of existance.
Believe it or not, our country was founded on the principle that only property owners should vote.

Another example: You are in a room with 25 people. You all vote, 25 vote to take your money and divide it between everyone, 1 (you) votes not to. Is this right? How many "yes" votes would make it right?

This is just government-sanctioned stealing, you can steal from me when you pry the gun from my cold dead hands.

Originally Posted by arch13
Therfor, I have a god given right to voice my opinion in every election that occurs, not just the ones that my taxes directly pay for. (emphasis added)
Also please show me were in the Bible God gives you your right to "vote in every election" or however you derive this "god given right".

By your logic, you should have a right to vote in every local election, even in Constantinople and Timbuktu, because they indirectly effect you in some way, much like a butterfly flapping its wings on the other side of the world indirectly effects you.

P.S. Don't call me a Coulter "fan". I've only read 2 of her columns and I don't like them because they are prevaded with one idea: "Democrats always wrong, Republicans always right." That's simply not true.

The above post was written by me alone without any help from Ann.
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