Originally Posted by silent_jay
Here in Ottawa we get the odd big band I guess, U2 is coming here for the first time in 20 years or something like that, but we usually get the shitty bands, like a few weeks ago we had Motley Crue at the Corel Center.
The Casino in Hull gets some cool acts, I'm considering going to see Michael Buble there sometime soon, they had Joe Cocker there a couple of years back. Other than that I can't really remember a really big name who has come here, but my memory isn't the greatest.
Ottawa gets some good stuff but gets by passed regularly. It isn't really for lack of venues just that support isn't that great. 1500 for Crosby, Stills and Nash a few years back in a building that holds 20,000 isn't a good showing. Styx got about 2500. Elton John got about 5000. Deep Purple is probably the next big act coming.
The Blues and Jazz festivals are very popular and people seem to support them probably because passes are available to see more than one act. It is getting better ( a little better) for local bands since more bars are willing to hire bands. (and pay them more than $150 a night) But still in a lot of ways, Ottawa rolls up the streets at 6:00 in the evening just like it always has.
Funny too, Ottawa has got to be the restaurant capital of the world. People line up to eat overpriced crap at East Side Mario's, Montana's or where ever, every night of the week and don't think twice about it, but getting people to support music and artists in this town is like pulling teeth.