Thread: Cunt.
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Old 04-19-2005, 08:15 AM   #32 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
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Location: The North
"I'm a really big fan of cunt over words like pussy, and especially, vagina. The word has this great guttural sound that lets you get right into it. Pussy and vagina are really dirty words - you only ever hear really greasy men saying things like that. Cunt lets women be vulgar without being derogatory."

That is the single most inane quotation I've ever read. Every guy I've ever met (in my peer group, I mean) uses the word "pussy" all the time, and, while I know some hugely sketchy guys, I like to think that they don't compose the entire spread of people I know. And I never hear anyone but doctors or people who are deliberately clinical use the word vagina. It's almost never used in porn or erotica that I can come up with. Maybe I'm just out of the loop on who is using vagina and for what purpose.

Oh, and to weigh in on the conversation, I've gone back and forth about cunt. I had a really good friend who suddenly started calling everything he saw a cunt. Literally couldn't get a sentance out of his mouth without using the word. That, in addition to the fact that I've only ever heard it used as a very derogatory word put it low on my list. I suppose if a girl wants to talk about herself that way or use it in erotica, that's fine with me, but I'm not a big fan of just hearing it.
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