Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Cheating for any reason is one of the lowest things you can do to another person and there is no amount of reasoning that makes it logical or ok. That is the ultimate violation in trust and IMO respect.
I know many will disagree with me...
Well neglecting your spouse is just as freaking low. sickness and health huh.
not for nothing it also stems from the wife's selfishness.
She doesn t feel pretty well. She could at least suck him off or something.
Too many women say there vows have children or are raising children with a guy and get what they want, a child and then just kick the husband to the sexual curb.
Persoanly I think you should have gotten a divorce if you couldn t have worked it out but what she is doing to you is horrible and in my opinion is 10 times worse then cheating.
She is controlling you.
She is saying do not have sex, you can not have sex. you will only cum by your own hand.
This is not just physical abuse (neglect) and not just mental abuse. it is both.
The sad part in a divorce you are legally screwed. you should tell her if you love me you will let me go and rebuild your life.
remember 2 of the the main things you will do in this life is fuck and die.
I understand she is a good mom and that you love her dearly as a wife (she has other great points)
Sorry you have to go through this.
but a year is a year.
At this point you may just tell her flat out to her face that if she does not share that bond of intamacy that is formed by sex that you will have to go else where.
She will have to make a decision then and you know what after a year (if you already have truly tried talking with her and tried to help her in every way) the decision should be put on her shoulders.