The key to good sex is washing the dishes.
The number one thing that gets in the way of me having sex with my wife is her being tired from working. Kids make that a lot worse. Whenever you can take over something to let her have a bubble bath or nap or whatever, it will help.
As for making marriage better, mine is 100x better than it was our first couple years together. I started telling her positive things about who she is and how she looks 15-30 times a day. I let her be herself. We always try to be open and honest and accepting, even when there's an argument as a result. When we argue we both started being more polite about it. I try to apologize, right or wrong. (I suck at it.) She started being really nice to me in bed. I started going out of my way to do nice things for her out of bed several times a week. She hates doing dishes so I do that. And when our marriage isn't going well or at least once a month I take her out for a romantic date. They're simple sometimes but always very personal and a little fun. No matter the cost, we get away from everything, just us, 2-3 times a year at least overnight. And every year we get some advice, a tape or book, from someone who has had a good marriage.
Marriage sex can be great. Women just see everything as part of everything else and have to have the emotional stuff squared away before they can get into the physical. As a man I need to get off, one way or another, but for me it's much better if I feel like she knows me really well and thinks I'm an incredible person.
Before we stopped having sex we never had any problems.
I get the feeling she thought you were. Women are different like that. It happens to all of us married people. Just work on doing the romance and the dishes and the talking and once a week or so try to seduce her like you had never gotten to second base with her. When you do have sex it doesn't mean she's all better just that you're on the right track. Keep doing the dishes no matter what.
Harder than anything else, loving a woman is still worth it in my book.