glad a few of you in here watch. washington journal is probably the best issue driven/discussion show on TV. i also agree with you on the panel discussions at universities, very interesting stuff. recent shows that i've enjoyed included a discussion with jennings, brokaw and rather at harvard (i think) and a lecture by the syrian ambassador to the US. another thing that i liked was right before the election -- they featured talk radio shows from around the country.
as far as the congressional aspect, day-to-day floor debates are a bit boring. but when an important issue comes up (and someone important talks about it), cspan is going to show you more, sooner than you'll get on the white-noise news stations.
so here's my analysis of the raw data, unscientifically sampled: many democrats don't seem to have any creative ideas in response/opposition to bush's own, their goal is to impede anything that resembles an elephant. too bad their newly discovered pseudo-spine is wasted on petty obstruction of judges instead of something important, like a war.
then, perhaps funnier, most republicans are attempting to out-pander one another. frist in particular...he wants to be president soon, and won't let his training in science blur his devotion to what he thinks values voters want to hear.
got kinda sidetracked. point is, it's cool to see this stuff firsthand.